
Warning of scam company: Fraudulent letters with Bank Frick logo in circulation


We would like to point out that there is no connection between the e-mail address "finance@fricksupport[dot]info" and Bank Frick. The operators of the e-mail address "finance@fricksupport[dot]info" are making unlawful use of the name and logo of Bank Frick. 

We make it clear that we would not contact existing clients or non-customers with a letter of this kind. We strongly advise against making investments in connection with the e-mail address "finance@fricksupport[dot]info", in particular not to respond to offers or to transfer funds or cryptocurrencies.

In this context, we also refer to the warning notice of the Financial Market Authority (FMA) Liechtenstein dated 15 February 2023. If you have any questions, please contact your Bank-Frick account manager directly or bank [at]