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Überarbeitung der allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und des Standardgebührentarifs

Die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen wurden gänzlich überarbeitet und angepasst. Die augenscheinlichste Anpassung ist, dass ein allfälliges Depotreglement Krypto-Assets aufgehoben wird und neu zusammen mit dem Depotreglement in den allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen enthalten ist.

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Crypto Industry Reports

The Internet is gone. Everything is Metaverse now

The social network company Facebook has officially changed its name to Meta and announced that is wants to become a metaverse company. In a video, Mark Zuckerberg explains his vision of the future and the new direction Meta is pursuing.

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Times are changing: Bitcoin instead of traditional loyalty points

Seemingly every other month, Mastercard announces a new partnership to expand its crypto offering. Telling by its latest announcement the multinational financial service corporation has entered a new partnership with Bakkt.

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Blockchain technology reinvents correspondent banking – just not yet

As one of its major use cases, blockchain technology is said to transform traditional correspondent banking. So far major challenges have pushed back this transformation. It is more likely than ever that with central bank digital currencies on the horizon; blockchain disruption will finally come to fruition in the realm of cross-border banking.

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Crypto Industry Reports

Is the US finally coming to terms with crypto?

Crypto has been quite the talking point in the White House recently. As part of the so-called infrastructure bill, several provisions were proposed that would also affect the nascent blockchain industry.

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Bank Frick vergibt erneut Stipendium für Blockchain- und FinTech-Zertifikatsstudiengang

Im Rahmen ihrer Kooperation mit der Universität Liechtenstein vergibt Bank Frick ein Stipendium in Höhe von CHF 9’800 zur kostenlosen Teilnahme am Zertifikatsstudiengang Blockchain und FinTech. Die Bewerbungsfrist läuft bis 14. November 2021, das Studium beginnt im Januar 2022.

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Crypto Industry Reports

Are we experiencing lightning fast adoption?

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has long come out as a Bitcoin bull. Given his optimistic stance on Bitcoin, it was only a matter of time until the social media platform would integrate the cryptocurrency. This time has now come and the option to tip with Bitcoin is currently being rolled out to users.

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Turning crypto investment into an earning asset

With Ethereum upgrading to Proof of Stake, the crypto world is going through one of its most transformative shifts to date. This means that customers will soon be able to earn interest on their digital asset holdings through a process called staking. What staking is, how it will define the future of Ethereum and digital asset custody at large is explained in this article.

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Crypto Industry Reports

How decentralised is Decentralised Finance really?

The world of decentralised finance continues to pose quite a challenge when it comes to regulation. After all, who is to be regulated?

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Crypto Industry Reports

Paying with crypto: Things are picking up

Bitcoin has been designed as a peer-to-peer electronic cash network. Applying a 30-day moving average, the Bitcoin network did move over 8,2 billion US dollar on its mainchain on August 22nd.

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A comprehensive overview of Liechtenstein’s banking regulation

In this in-depth article, the authors show the economic and regulatory environment in which banks in Liechtenstein operate. This article first appeared in the reference work The Banking Regulation Review (Twelfth Edition) published by Law Business Resarch.

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Halbjahresergebnis Bank Frick: Budgetiertes Jahresergebnis von CHF 3,1 Millionen bereits erreicht

Bank Frick hat im ersten Halbjahr einen Reingewinn von CHF 3,1 Mio. erwirtschaftet. Alle strategischen Geschäftsfelder haben zu diesem nachhaltigen Ergebnis beigetragen. Für das Jahr 2021 rechnet die Bank daher mit einem Jahresgewinn in der Grössenordnung von CHF 5 Mio. Durch die erfolgreiche Reorganisation der Abteilungen mit direktem Kundenkontakt wurde die Customer-Experience noch mehr in den Mittelpunkt gestellt.

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