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Crypto Industry Reports

Mere FUD or Binance in real trouble?

As those affected by the collapse of FTX rejoice over the recent arrest of Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), the CEO of Binance is currently dealing with fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) targeted at his cryptocurrency exchange. In a tweet, CZ asked the community to ignore the FUD. “FUD helps us grow. [...]. There has hardly been a week going by without some FUD. We learned the ability to ignore them and keep building,” he said.

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Crypto Industry Reports

Will digital asset darling DCG trigger yet another meltdown?

The FTX’s collapse and its consequences continue to unravel. Venture capital company Digital Currency Group (DCG) could be the latest victim following the current mayhem. Based on a letter to investors, the company has disclosed a $2 billion debt, which mostly consists of intercompany loans between it and its subsidiary Genesis Global Capital.

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Crypto Industry Reports

Crypto poster child FTX goes bankrupt

Last week, the digital asset space got shaken to its core, when the world’s second biggest crypto exchange FTX collapsed overnight. After all, this collapse marks the largest meltdown in the crypto world. The exchange, which bailed out several companies in the wake of the Terra Luna and 3AC collapse earlier this year, has fallen apart so fast and hard, that experts expect the ripple effects to continue in the coming months.

So, what exactly happened?

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Blog posts

Blockchain: A technology with social impact

Foundational technology is the most effective tool for impacting society at large and solving the challenges it is faced with. One such foundational institutional technology is the blockchain, which entered the picture through the discovery of Bitcoin in 2009 and has since proliferated and emerged in many different forms.

What does blockchain’s social impact look like?

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Handelsplattform FTX: Alle Vermögenswerte bei Bank Frick sind sicher

Die Krypto-Assets unserer Kundinnen und Kunden verwahrt Bank Frick in sogenannten Cold-Storage-Wallets. Diese sind physisch vom Internet getrennt. Wallets und Sicherheitskopien werden georedundant sicher aufbewahrt.

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Crypto Industry Reports

Is Elon Musk owning Twitter bullish for crypto?

Elon Musk’s actions have once again had repercussions for the wider crypto space. This time, Dogecoin rose by more than 70% in 24 hours, driven by the news that Musk had closed a $44 billion deal to take over Twitter. All in all, Musk’s favourite meme currency experienced a 150% surge from October 25-29.

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Crypto Industry Reports

Another day, another few hacks. That’s the current state of crypto

Crypto projects are getting hacked almost every other week and losing millions of dollars. Sadly, users are bearing the brunt of these attacks. On October 12, Solana-based DeFi platform Mango Markets confirmed that the protocol had been attacked by a hacker, who stole funds through an oracle price manipulation. Mango’s price plummeted by more than 40% as a result.

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Crypto Industry Reports

Screening crypto projects: The regulators are on it

Regulators have had a tough time keeping up with the rapidly growing crypto space that is dominated by a wide range of financial products. Nonetheless, recent developments show that they may be gaining ground signalling that crypto companies need to evaluate their compliance status now more than ever.

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Crypto Industry Reports

The Merge has happened. What are the takeaways?

The long-awaited Ethereum Merge finally shipped on September 15, 2022, fully turning Ethereum into a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain. It commenced at 6:43 a.m. UTC and attracted a live audience of over 41,000 people on YouTube that watched as the significant event unfolded. The mainnet and PoS Beacon Chain merged successfully without a hitch, but it was not a small task. “The metaphor that I use is this idea of switching out an engine from a running car,” Justin Drake, a researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, said describing the Ethereum Upgrade.

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Cardano Hard Fork "Vasil" - Kunden müssen nicht aktiv werden

Am 22. September 2022 wird auf der Blockchain von Cardano ein Hard Fork durchgeführt. Kundinnen und Kunden von Bank Frick müssen nicht aktiv werden – ihre Vermögenswerte sind zu jedem Zeitpunkt sicher aufgehoben. Das Handeln von Cardano über Bank Frick wird ohne Einschränkungen möglich sein.

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Ethereum ändert seinen Konsensmechanismus von Proof-of-Work (PoW) zu Proof-of-Stake (PoS): Kundinnen und Kunden müssen nicht tätig werden

Mitte September wird das Ethereum Mainnet mit der Beacon Chain zusammengelegt. «The Merge» markiert den endgültigen Übergang von Ethereum von einem Proof-of-Work-System (PoW) zu einem Proof-of-Stake-System (PoS).

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Halbjahresergebnis: Kontinuierliches Wachstum von Bank Frick – trotz weltwirtschaftlicher Unsicherheiten

Bank Frick hat im ersten Halbjahr 2022 einen Reingewinn von CHF 5,1 Mio. erwirtschaftet, wobei alle strategischen Geschäftsfelder zu diesem nachhaltigen Ergebnis beigetragen haben. Trotz der aktuell herrschenden Unsicherheit aufgrund der instabilen Wirtschaftslage konnte Bank Frick ihren Gewinn im Vergleich zum ersten Halbjahr 2021 erhöhen. Für das Jahr 2022 rechnet die Bank daher mit einem Jahresgewinn in der Grössenordnung von CHF 8 Mio.

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